Sunday 25 August 2013

5 Essential Pose to Strengthen Your Core

Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb.

Hi All ^^
Hope all of us still healthy today !!!

I decided focus to write about how to strengthen our core. Despite of that, this poses also give you tight and toned tummy. REMEMBER, this poses also work for man

Photo recources : Jenny Sugar

Push Up

When you do push up position, hold this pose for longer. It will strengthens your upper body and targets your core.
When you’re going down, exhale and bend your elbows, allowing them to brush against the sides of your body as you lower your torso toward the floor. Stop when your upper arms and body are parallel with the ground.
Hold here for five deep breaths. Do this for five reps.


Sitting and lift your knees up to your chest. Balance on your sits (bottom of your pelvis). Keep your spine as long and straight as possible.
Slowly straightening your legs up. If your back starts to hunch, keep your knees bent. Hold for five deep breaths.
When you’re ready to take the lift. Cross your legs just below your knees, point through your toes and pull them in as close to your body as possible, without letting them touch the ground.
On inhale, hold yourself together, press your palms into the ground, engage your core and lift your body off the ground.
Come back into Boat Pose for another five breaths, then take the lift again.
Do this for five reps.

Side Plank

Stay here for five deep breaths. Keep your core strong and steady. Do this for five reps every side.


This pose works your abs and your upper body.
Begin Garland Pose. Place your palms on the ground in front of you. Spread and press your fingers as wide as you can.
Straighten your legs slightly, and place your knees as high up onto your triceps as possible, toward your armpits.
Lift one foot off the ground and then the other. If you can, bring your toes together.
Squeeze your knees together slightly and pull your belly button in toward your spine.
Stay here for five breaths.

Headstand B

This pose require upperbody strength and balance. Keeping your feet parallel with the ground and also insanely works your core.
Begin with your hands and knees on the mat. Lower your elbows to the floor and interlace your fingers.
Place the back of your head against your palms and the top of your head on the mat. Once your head and forearms feel stable, straighten both legs and walk your feet toward your face as far as you can.
Shift your hips over your shoulder, and keep your elbows planted firmly on the mat. Lift your right leg straght up toward the sky and then your left, coming into full headstand. If you feel up to the challenge, you can try lifting both legs up simultaneously.
To move into Headstand B, slowly lower both legs down halfway, so that your thighs are parallel with the floor. After five breaths, lower your feet all the way down to the ground.

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