Tuesday 3 September 2013

Happy Birthday Ijahhh XD

Today, one of my b-friend was getting older than me :p
Special for you @aNisaNisa, i mention you in my blog =).

Bismillah....Barokallah... I hope we always can be a friend till the end, our garden being more beautiful, i hope we can live happily ever after (tsssaaahhh...), and can meet your soulmate soon, and then getting married, then having a bunch of kids, getting old, then can watching your kids getting married, playing with your grand-son and grand-daughter, dying in ISLAM and IMAN, and given the ease to get to the heaven... Aamiin..

I think it seems to be too much XD~ nyahahaha...
I hope everything good always be with you dearl...

(= Thank you for being one of my friend XD~
(sok manis2 dan berkaca2)