Sunday 10 November 2013

Full-Body Circuit Workout

Full-Body Circuit Workout — Without Equipment Needed!

Source :

You can do this workout almost anywhere, & you don't need any special equipment (only wall and a chair or bench). The entire workout takes about 20 minutes. first warm up with about five minutes, then repeat each of these circuits twice. You can get the printable version here.

Monday 7 October 2013

Slimmer, Shapely Quads in One Easy Move

Seated Sweeping Leg Lift 

This move simple yet effective move you can do anywhere. This exercise will tone your upper legs, and making them appear slimmer.

Source :
  • Sit with your legs extended in front of you. Bend your right knee and clasp your shin with both hands.
  • Flex your left foot and lift it a few inches above the ground. Sweep it away from your body to the left (as shown above). Hold here for three seconds. Then return your leg back to center and hold for another three seconds. This counts as one rep.
  • Keep your deep abs engaged by pulling your navel to your spine, complete three sets of 12 to 15 reps with each leg.

Thursday 3 October 2013

a Toned Sexy Back

Let's bringing sexy back !

There are plenty of ways to get your back tightened up. Please bring your exercise ball =). Nowadays's getting easy to get it. You can buy it in Gramedia, ACE Hardware, or might be in Sport Station (suggestion for reader in Indonesia). 


Source :

Helps to strengthen your back, and also gives a sexy sculpted back.
  • Lay your belly on the ball. Inhale, and as you exhale, raise your upper torso as much as you can, so your chest comes off the ball. As you inhale, slowly lower your torso back to the ball just like your starting position. Keeping your movement slow.
  • This count as one rep. Complete three sets of 12 to 15 reps.


Photos courtesy of Jenny Sugar

  • As you inhale, squeeze the ball and lift your knees, arms, & chest off the floor. Hold for a count of 10 and then slowly release your body to the floor.
  • Repeat for a total 10 lifts.


Source : 

Lengthen and tone your back and sides.
  • Hold an exercise ball firmly between your palms, right in front of your belly.
  • Stand firmly, with your feet hips-width distance apart. Tuck your tailbone in and engage your abs to protect your lower back.
  • Raise the ball above your head and straighten your arms completely. Then slowly lean your hands over to the right side, but continue to keep both feed planted equally.
  • Try to draw your upper ribs back so they're stacked on top of your lower ribs. Pull your belly button in towards your spine and look up towards the ceiling if you can.
  • Bend as much as you feel comfortable and hold for five complete breaths.
  • When you're ready, while keeping your lower body strong and stable, lift your torso back up. Stay in a neutral standing positon for one complete brath, then arch over & do the left side.
  • Repeat each side 5 more times.


Source : 
  • Lay your belly on an exercise ball. Stabilize yourself by placing your hands underneath your shoulders, and your feet hip distance apart.
  • Lift your right arm and your left leg straight out. Hold for two seconds, then release.
  • Then, lift your left arm and your right leg. Hold for two seconds and release.
  • Try to move slowly and with control in order to keep the ball as steady as possible. Use your deep abs to help stabilize.
  • Repeat this move for a total of 15 to 20 reps on each side.


Source : 
  • Kneel down with an exercise ball in front of you. Place your torso on the ball.
  • Lower your torso down with your hands behind your head  your upper body should basically be wrapped around the ball.
  • Lift your torso up until you form a straight line with your hips and legs. Lower back down to complete one rep. Be sure to inhale as you come down and exhale as you lift your torso up.
  • Do three sets of 12 reps.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Happy Birthday Ijahhh XD

Today, one of my b-friend was getting older than me :p
Special for you @aNisaNisa, i mention you in my blog =).

Bismillah....Barokallah... I hope we always can be a friend till the end, our garden being more beautiful, i hope we can live happily ever after (tsssaaahhh...), and can meet your soulmate soon, and then getting married, then having a bunch of kids, getting old, then can watching your kids getting married, playing with your grand-son and grand-daughter, dying in ISLAM and IMAN, and given the ease to get to the heaven... Aamiin..

I think it seems to be too much XD~ nyahahaha...
I hope everything good always be with you dearl...

(= Thank you for being one of my friend XD~
(sok manis2 dan berkaca2)


Monday 26 August 2013

Bedtime Yoga

Halloooow para pembaca !

Kali ini saya akan mengulas tentang Bedtime Yoga, daaan, dalam Bahasa :D. 
Bedtime Yoga juga baru beberapa bulan ini saya laksanakan, dan sungguh sangat membantu bagi para pembaca yang sering diterjang insomnia. 
I share 2 versions here, in photo and video. You can choose whatever you want, or just try it both.
Ingat, dalam yoga, semua sistem pernapasan dilakukan melalui hidung, dan tubuh harus selalu dalam posisi tegak (dada terbuka).
Biasanya, saya melakukan masing-masing gerakan dalam 5 napas.
Ready to get to bed ? Below the sequence =) 

1. Short Meditation
Duduk bersila dengan posisi tegak lurus seperti gambar di atas, letakkan bantal dibelakang Anda. Tutup mata Anda dan rileks, rasakan seluruh tubuh Anda rileks dalam posisi ini. Bernapaslah dalam posisi ini untuk beberapa menit. (Biasa saya 3 menit saja cukup :p)

2. Seated Twists
Masih dalam posisi bersila, perlahan2 buka mata Anda, dan ubah posisi seperti pada gambar, dengan posisi dada tetap terbuka dan tegak. Jika kasur Anda memiliki pegangan seperti gambar, maka Anda dapat berpegangan untuk membantu posisi twist. Pertahankan posisi ini dalam 5 napas, dan lakukan untuk sisi yang lainnya.

3. Easy Forward Bend
Masih dalam posisi duduk bersila, angkat kedua tangan Anda, lurus disamping telinga. Panjangkan posisi Anda seperti ditarik ke atas, tapi posisi bokong Anda tetap menyentuh kasur. Perlahan-lahan, turunkan dada Anda (! Ingat, yang diturunkan adalah dada Anda) ke depan sampai kedua telapak tangan Anda menyentuh kasur. Rasakan badan dan tangan Anda tertarik panjang ke depan, tetapi bokong Anda tetap menyentuh kasur. Bernapaslah dalam posisi ini untuk beberapa menit.

4. Legs Extended Forward
Perlahan-lahan, luruskan kedua kaki Anda kedepan. Anda boleh menekuk sedikit lutut Anda, tetapi jika Anda ingin tantangan yang lebih, Anda boleh meluruskannya. Buka dada Anda, dan perlahan pegang kedua ibu jari kaki Anda seperti pada gambar. Kaki dan tulang belakang Anda dalam posisi flat. Bernapaslah dalam posisi ini untuk beberapa menit.

5. Legs Extended Forward Bend Round Back
Kemudian, dari posisi no.6, turunkan dada Anda. Jika bisa, cium lutut Anda. Gerakan ini sangat bagus untuk peregangan belakang Anda. Bernapaslah dalam posisi ini untuk beberapa menit.

6. Lying Down Knee to Chest

Perlahan-lahan, dari posisi no.5, roll-back ke posisi telentang dan bersandar pada bantal dibelakang Anda. Tekuk lutut Anda, dan peluk didepan dada. Bernapaslah dalam posisi ini untuk beberapa menit. Lakukan juga pada kaki yang lain.

7. Hamstring Stretch
Luruskan kedua kaki Anda. Dan perlahan-lahan luruskan ke atas, dan dekatkan dengan memegang pergelangan kaki dan lutut Anda, seperti pada gambar. Tahan dalam beberapa napas, dan perlahan turunkan, dan lakukan pada kaki yang lain. Ini akan membantu melepaskan segala tekanan2 yang tubuh Anda rasakan pada hari ini.

8. Half Happy Baby
Tekuk kaki Anda 90 derajat, dan arahkan telapak kaki menghadap ke langit-langit, seperti pada gambar. Tahan gerakan ini dalam beberapa napas. Lakukan pula pada kaki lainnya. Gerakan ini juga dapat dilakukan dengan kedua kaki secara bersamaan. (Biasanya saya melakukan dengan kedua kaki).

9. Bend Knee Lying Down Twist
Peluk kaki Anda, dan twist kaki Anda, seperti pada gambar. Tolehkan kepala Anda pada arah yang berlawanan dengan kaki Anda. Luruskan kedua tangan Anda seperti hurup T. Pastikan Anda juga melakukan gerakan ini pada kedua sisi.

10. Star Shape Twist
Lakukan gerakan seperti pada gambar. Pandangan Anda mengarah pada tangan yang Anda panjangkan. This is a really nice twist ;) . Lakukan pada sisi sebaliknya.

11. Knee Hug
Peluk kedua lutut Anda ke depan dada. Perlahan-lahan, gerak-gerakkan ke arah kanan dan kiri.

12. Savasana

Ini adalah gerakan yang paling saya suka =D. Yesss,, you almost there dear! Istirahatkan tubuh Anda dalam posisi ini, rileks. Anda boleh langsung tidur dalam posisi ini. Ssssttt... jangan lupa untuk berdoa sebelum tidur Anda. 

13. Sleep
Best yoga position adalah ini. Roll over ke sisi kanan (setahu saya, muslim dianjurkan untuk tidur menghadap kanan dan sapukan tangan Anda sambil membaca surat Al-Ikhlas =). Kan tadi doa tidur sudah kita lakukan di gerakan no. 12), walaupun di gambar ke sisi kiri. Tapi semua terserah pada para pembaca :D
Have a great sleep ;) and enjoy your night rest dear.

Nah, ini salah satu video Bedtime Yoga :

Source :
Video Source : Sarah Beth

Sunday 25 August 2013

Squat Challenge

Hi reader !

I hope we are all in healthy condition.
I was reading in about this Squat Challenge, and i'm really excited to share this to all of you.
It's only taken 30 days, and you can get your sexy legs, i've done it till days 5 today =)
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to leave your comments below, or you can also ask or share your picture in my twitter, just follow mine @oxyg3nt :)

Here's the *.pdf file, so you can easily print it and stick it everywhere you want it.
Have a nice 'trying' =)

5 Essential Pose to Strengthen Your Core

Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb.

Hi All ^^
Hope all of us still healthy today !!!

I decided focus to write about how to strengthen our core. Despite of that, this poses also give you tight and toned tummy. REMEMBER, this poses also work for man

Photo recources : Jenny Sugar

Push Up

When you do push up position, hold this pose for longer. It will strengthens your upper body and targets your core.
When you’re going down, exhale and bend your elbows, allowing them to brush against the sides of your body as you lower your torso toward the floor. Stop when your upper arms and body are parallel with the ground.
Hold here for five deep breaths. Do this for five reps.


Sitting and lift your knees up to your chest. Balance on your sits (bottom of your pelvis). Keep your spine as long and straight as possible.
Slowly straightening your legs up. If your back starts to hunch, keep your knees bent. Hold for five deep breaths.
When you’re ready to take the lift. Cross your legs just below your knees, point through your toes and pull them in as close to your body as possible, without letting them touch the ground.
On inhale, hold yourself together, press your palms into the ground, engage your core and lift your body off the ground.
Come back into Boat Pose for another five breaths, then take the lift again.
Do this for five reps.

Side Plank

Stay here for five deep breaths. Keep your core strong and steady. Do this for five reps every side.


This pose works your abs and your upper body.
Begin Garland Pose. Place your palms on the ground in front of you. Spread and press your fingers as wide as you can.
Straighten your legs slightly, and place your knees as high up onto your triceps as possible, toward your armpits.
Lift one foot off the ground and then the other. If you can, bring your toes together.
Squeeze your knees together slightly and pull your belly button in toward your spine.
Stay here for five breaths.

Headstand B

This pose require upperbody strength and balance. Keeping your feet parallel with the ground and also insanely works your core.
Begin with your hands and knees on the mat. Lower your elbows to the floor and interlace your fingers.
Place the back of your head against your palms and the top of your head on the mat. Once your head and forearms feel stable, straighten both legs and walk your feet toward your face as far as you can.
Shift your hips over your shoulder, and keep your elbows planted firmly on the mat. Lift your right leg straght up toward the sky and then your left, coming into full headstand. If you feel up to the challenge, you can try lifting both legs up simultaneously.
To move into Headstand B, slowly lower both legs down halfway, so that your thighs are parallel with the floor. After five breaths, lower your feet all the way down to the ground.